NGO’s HistoryThe MIICT's Historic Milestones

The MIICT’s commitment to technological research has been unwavering throughout its short but prolific history since its establishment in 2004 and its legal constitution in 2013. As a non-profit organisation, we have always prioritised innovation and advancing the state of technology, even in the face of limited funding.

Over the years, our pioneering work in research and innovation has helped to push the boundaries of what is possible in some of the fields in which we took an active research interest. From developing proofs of concept for cutting-edge technologies for healthcare, education, public procurement, agriculture and the environment, to creating novel solutions for societal challenges, the MIICT has always been at the forefront of technological innovation.

Despite the challenges that we have faced, we have remained steadfast in our mission to make a positive impact on society through technology. We have collaborated with numerous partners from academia, industry, government agencies and supranational government bodies to bring our ideas to life and to make them accessible to those who need them most on a free, open-source basis.

Looking to the future, the MIICT remains committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible through research and innovation. We will continue to invest in the development of groundbreaking technologies and collaborate with partners around the world to create a brighter and more innovative future for all. We are very proud of our achievements and all the people who led us here.

  • 2003

    First MIICT Researchers Come Together

    This was the time when a loose band of like-minded researchers came together to form the first MIICT team. These researchers shared a common vision of using technology to make a positive impact on society, and they were determined to work together to achieve this goal.

    Despite having limited resources and no formal organisation, the team was highly motivated and began working on various research projects. They focused on developing innovative technologies for healthcare, education, and the environment, with the aim of improving the lives of people around the world.

  • 2004

    MIICT Publishes its First Paper

    The MIICT published its first research paper "Housing and Poverty in Malta with a Focus on the Southern Harbour Region" in collaboration with the IRISS and the Equinox Group.

  • 2009

    First Multinational Projects

    The early days of the MIICT were challenging, as the team had to overcome various obstacles and setbacks. However, they persevered and continued to push forward, driven by their passion for using technology to make a difference.

    Over time, the MIICT team grew in size and stature, attracting talented researchers and collaborators from 5 different countries in the Mediterranean area. Together, they worked on a wide range of projects, from developing advanced photocatalysis devices for water decontamination to designing new systems for renewable energy and agriculture.

  • 2013

    MIICT Formally Registers As NGO

    In 2013, after several years of operating as a loose association of researchers, the MIICT took a significant step forward by registering as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with the Maltese Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations and the Maltese Public Registry. This move gave the organisation a more formal structure and enabled it to access new funding opportunities, collaborate with a broader range of partners, and increase its societal impact.

    As an NGO, the MIICT was able to expand its reach and pursue more ambitious research and innovation projects. The organisation attracted a diverse group of members, including researchers, engineers, telecoms professionals, designers, and other professionals, who were all committed to using technology to make a positive difference in the world.

    Through its various initiatives and partnerships, the MIICT was able to develop innovative solutions to pressing social, technological and environmental challenges. It worked closely with local communities and international organisations to ensure that its technologies were accessible, affordable, and effective, and that they had a meaningful impact on people's lives.

    Overall, the MIICT's decision to register as an NGO was a significant turning point in its history. It allowed the organisation to formalise its structure, attract new talent and resources, and expand its impact on society. Today, the MIICT remains committed to its mission of advancing technological research and innovation for the betterment of humanity, and its status as an NGO plays a critical role in achieving this goal.

  • 2014

    MIICT Applies for & Obtains Erasmus+ and Grundtvig Funding

    In a significant milestone for the organisation, the MIICT applied for and obtained Erasmus+ and Grundtvig funding. This funding was a critical source of support for the MIICT's research and innovation projects, providing the organisation with the resources it needed to pursue its mission and expand its reach.

    With the Erasmus+ and Grundtvig funding, the MIICT was able to train volunteers and employees, launch new initiatives, collaborate with more partners, and explore innovative solutions to a wide range of social and environmental challenges through education. The funding also enabled the organisation to provide training and development opportunities to its members, enhancing their skills and expertise in the field of technology.

    Erasmus+ and Grundtvig funding was a game-changer for the MIICT. It gave the organisation the financial wherewithal it needed to take its research and innovation projects to the next level, and enabled the MIICT to make an even greater impact on society.

  • 2015

    MIICT Participates in MED Programme Project GRASP

    The MIICT's participation in the MED Programme Project GReen procurement And Smart city suPport in the energy sector (GRASP) was a significant achievement for the MIICT and its sister organisation the IRISS. GRASP aimed to promote the adoption of green procurement practices and the development of smart city solutions in the energy sector in Europe.

    As part of the GRASP project, the MIICT provided specialised services to its sister organisation the IRISS, and collaborated with a range of partners, including academic institutions, government agencies, and private companies, to develop innovative solutions that could improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and promote sustainable development through public procurement.

    Through its involvement in the GRASP project, the MIICT was able to share its expertise in the field of the various technologies covered by the project and contribute to the development of the GRASP platform. The project also provided the MIICT with an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organisations and individuals from around the EU, building new relationships and expanding its contacts network.

  • 2017

    IRISS and MIICT Organise Art Always Applies Workshop Funded by the Arts Council Malta

    IRISS (Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services) and the MIICT have collaborated to organise the "Art Always Applies" workshop, funded by the Arts Council Malta. The workshop aimed to explore the intersection of art and social services. Participants had the opportunity to learn how to communicate through visuals and were tutored by Francesco Zagami, an authority in the field.

    The aim of the workshop was to build a bridge between the members of the community and the artistic principles that can be used in their everyday lives , thereby linking social science and history to arts and the community. Participants coming from a broad range of sectors and different walks of life, had the opportunity to actively learn how to apply graphic design principles in all their communal activities thanks to the very practical approach used by the experienced trainer who sought to apply the principles he has used along the years to the daily needs of those attending . The knowledge acquired by the participants of the course who participated actively in the sessions will have a ripple effect on the community in that it can be transferred to others, fostering an environment of innovation.

    The workshop also sought to promote cultural exchange and understanding, as participants will come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. By bringing together art and social services, the "Art Always Applies" workshop hopes to inspire creativity and innovation in addressing social issues.

  • 2019

    MIICT Submits Several Applications for Horizon2020 Projects

    In 2019, the MIICT demonstrated its continuous commitment to innovation and collaboration by submitting several applications for the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects. This move showcased the institute's eagerness to continue its involvement in leading-edge technological developments and collaborative international efforts aimed at solving significant societal challenges. By seeking to be part of the Horizon 2020 initiative, the MIICT aimed to bring its expertise and innovative ideas to a larger platform, enabling it to contribute to the development of new technologies, systems, and approaches that would benefit society as a whole.

  • 2020

    MIICT Closes Down Due to Covid

    The year 2020 brought an unprecedented challenge to the MIICT with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prioritising the safety of its staff and the community, the MIICT made the difficult decision to temporarily close its doors. During this time, the MIICT stayed committed to its mission of innovation and technology development, with staff working remotely where possible. Despite the challenges, the institute remained focused on its objectives, adapting to the changing circumstances and preparing for a robust return once it was safe to do so.

  • 2022

    MIICT Reopens After Covid with a New Impetus

    Following the global health crisis, the MIICT made its triumphant return in 2022. With the easing of pandemic restrictions and the return of normalcy, the Institute reopened its doors, ready to continue its mission with a fresh impetus. This reopening marked a new chapter for the MIICT, signifying resilience, adaptability and a renewed commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration. The Institute looked forward to resuming its projects and initiating new ones, reinforcing its role as a leading contributor in the fields of technology development and smart city solutions.

  • 2023

    MIICT Launches Its New Online Presence

    In a significant move towards digital transformation, the MIICT unveiled its new online presence in 2023. This launch of a website and 2 online platforms signifies a major leap forward for the MIICT as it acknowledges and embraces the high-speed digital era, providing an innovative, interactive platform for its stakeholders, partners and the wider community.

    These new digital platforms serve as comprehensive resources for learning about the MIICT's projects, partnerships and contributions to the fields of research, technology development and practical solutions. It provides a wealth of information, including details about the Institute's past and current projects, research findings and upcoming initiatives.

    The MIICT's new online presence is designed to become more than just a website; it has the potential to become a digital hub that offers seamless navigation, user-friendly interfaces and interactive features. It also offers opportunities for collaboration, networking and learning, facilitating better engagement with the MIICT's diverse audience.

    Additionally, the new online platforms demonstrate the MIICT's commitment to accessibility, transparency and open communication. It's designed to enable stakeholders and the public to stay updated about the MIICT's activities, engage with its work and understand its impact on society.

    In launching its new online presence, the MIICT has once again proven its commitment to innovation, not just in its projects and research, but also in the ways it communicates and engages with the world.

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“I was impressed by the MIICT’s commitment to innovation, technology and social impact. Their dedication to making a positive difference in people’s lives is truly inspiring. It was a real pleasure to work with them on a project of mutual interest in the field of agricultural genomics and AI. Their insights were really useful”

Alfred Buttigieg
Alfred Buttigieg
CIO, Helix Genomics

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