Our Team

  • Rossana Caputo


    Rossana Maria Caputo is the MIICT's President. Her expertise is in EU Projects, Sustainable Agriculture,...

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  • Daniela Mallia

    EU Projects Specialist

    Daniela Mallia, an EU Affairs and Funding expert, brings exceptional skills in EU Funds and project...

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  • Daniela Borg

    Office Manager

    Daniela Borg, an experienced professional in corporate services and administration, excels in financial...

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  • Robert Vella

    Robert excels in crafting technologically-informed legal texts, leveraging his expertise across...

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  • Bernard Mallia

    Founding Member & Chairperson

    Bernard Mallia has been behind the MIICT for over 10 years and has seen it grow to its current formidable...

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How can we help you?

Contact us at the MIICT office nearest to you or submit an inquiry online.

“I was impressed by the MIICT’s commitment to innovation, technology and social impact. Their dedication to making a positive difference in people’s lives is truly inspiring. It was a real pleasure to work with them on a project of mutual interest in the field of agricultural genomics and AI. Their insights were really useful”

Alfred Buttigieg
Alfred Buttigieg
CIO, Helix Genomics

Need to get in touch with any of our people?